This is the third in a five part series of Christmas Gift Guides for 2019. I'll be helping you find gifts at different price points for the unicorn princesses, Murderinos, casual outdoor enthusiasts, and cat ladies in your life - oh yea, and that one friend that's always cold.
Along with the rest of the basic females of the world, I'm low-key obsessed with true crime. I've always been interested, but upon discovering My Favorite Murder a few years ago, it's moved into weird territory - bringing up serial killers at parties, going to live podcast shows, you know, usual stuff. While the widespread interest and the topic gaining popularity, it's likely someone in your life will enjoy the gifts the below!

Etsy - MichelleBrusegaard
True Crime Sweatshirt

Etsy - FeastYourEyesDesigns
Serial Killer Playing Cards

Etsy - FoxandFancy
Men of MFM Tote

Etsy - PersonalizedByJenni

I'll be Gone in the Dark

Etsy - LoomAndGloom
Stay Out of the Forest Embroidery

Conspiracy Theory Board Game